Red Carpet Curls Podcast
Welcome, all listening ears to the Red Carpet Curls Podcast! Hosted by none other than your very own, Queen Adrienne Monroe. I am a natural hair enthusiast/ educator, as well as the writer/founder of the natural hair care blog Red Carpet Curls.With this podcast, my goal is to help you achieve your healthy hair goals. Whether your goal is repairing your hair, learning to properly moisturize & seal your hair, length retention, growing your hair, etc, I'm here to help!This podcast will focus on teaching you how to identify your hair challenges and properly address them. To do this, I combine the key principles of the Curly Girl Method and Trichology (the science of hair and scalp). Once you learn the science behind how your hair and scalp behave, then you can find the right all-natural products to easily manage your hair and allow it to thrive!Please note all the written information discussed in this podcast (blog posts/articles, product reviews/recommendations) are available on redcarpetcurls.com (Don't forget to subscribe!)
Red Carpet Curls Podcast
Episode 9 - Five Tips to Protect Your Curls This Summer
Red Carpet Curls
Episode 9
Episode 9: Five Tips to Protect Your Curls This summer
Welcome back, everyone! We are in the middle of summer, and there is no reason for our tresses to pay the price.
Are you struggling to keep those curls moisturized between the pool and beach visits? Try these five steps, and you'll never worry about your curls again!
Links Mentioned In This Episode:
Red Carpet Curls Website
Questions/Comments/Topic Requests Email - Queenmonroe@redcarpetcurls.com
Q-Redew Tutorial
Pool Tips Tutorial (Featuring Q-Redew Hair Steamer)
Scalp Massage YouTube Tutorial
Instagram Scalp Massage Tutorial
More Information on Clarifying Hair
More Information on Deep Conditioning
Inahsi Naturals Products (Discount Code: REDCARPETCURLS)